
ESG 理念强调企业要注重生态环境保护、履行社会责任、提高治理水平。环境、社会和公司治理又称为 ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance),从环境、社会和公司治理三个维度评估企业经营的可持续性与对社会价值观念的 影响。 ESG concept emphasizes that enterprises should pay attention to ecological environment protection, fulfill social responsibilities and improve governance level. Environmental, social and corporate governance, also known as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), evaluates the sustainability of enterprise management and its impact on social values from three dimensions of environment, society and corporate governance. 企业是社会主义市场经济的主体,是提供社会财富的经济单位,辰航公司在用心经营、发展企业的同时,一直积极投身于 爱心助学、抗洪救灾、敬老帮扶、脱贫攻坚等公益事业,主动承担服务社会民生的责任和使命,践行助力乡村振兴战略 , 尽企 业最大努力捐款捐物,积极履行社会责任。 Enterprises are the main body of the socialist market economy and the economic unit that provides social wealth. While operating and developing enterprises with heart, Chenhang Company has been actively participating in public welfare undertakings such as caring for students, fighting floods and providing disaster relief, respecting the elderly and helping poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling, taking the initiative to undertake the responsibility and mission of serving the people's livelihood, practicing the strategy of helping rural revitalization, doing its best to donate money and materials, and actively fulfilling its social responsibilities. 辰航·ESG理念 Chen Hang · ESG Concept ● 社会责任 | Social responsibility 教育是立国之本、国之大计,维系着祖国的 未来和发展。在事业蒸蒸日上的同时,辰航新材 料科技有限公司以强烈的社会责任感和爱心,肩 负更多的社会责任,回馈社会,回报家乡。 再捐 100 万元 爱心企业助力庐江教育事业高质量发展 13 智造饰面·让城市更美丽 © ChenHang New Material