
■ 应用领域 铝单板主要在建筑外墙、大型公共设施、室内吊顶的及 墙面装饰等场景类广泛使用,具体应用如下: 1、 建筑外墙 :铝单板是指经过钝化等处理之后,再 采用静电喷涂技术,加工形成的金属建筑装饰材料。产品表 面采用氟碳喷涂,产品重量轻、刚性好、工艺性好、具有很 好的耐腐蚀性等特点,因此广泛应用在建筑外墙领域,例如 常见的 写字楼外墙 、 学校建筑外墙 等都是采用的不同造型的 铝单板产品。 2、 大型公共设施领域 :由于铝单板产品的加工性 能好,能够生产出各种不同的尺寸,造型,及各种不同的表 面处理,给人一种很高,很时尚的感觉。它会给观众一些非 常好的视觉效果。因此广泛应用在大型公共设施领域,例如 常见的 机场装饰、博物馆装饰、车站装饰 等领域。 3、 室内吊顶及墙面装饰 :铝单板是一种非常具有 创意性的产品,可以生产出各种各不同的造型,安装组合形 式非常丰富,因此广泛应用在室内的吊顶及墙面装饰领域, 例如常见的 酒店大堂、会展中心、银行、医院 等场所的 吊顶 及墙面装饰 。 > Application field Aluminum veneer is widely used in scenes such as building exterior walls, large public facilities, indoor ceil - ings and wall decoration, and its specific applications are as follows: 1. Building exterior wall: Aluminum veneer refers to the metal building decoration material formed by passivation and electrostatic spraying technology. The surface of the product is sprayed with fluorocarbon, which has the characteristics of light weight, good rigidity, good manu - facturability and good corrosion resistance. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of building exterior wall, such as common office building exterior wall and school building exterior wall, which are aluminum veneer prod - ucts with different shapes. 2. Large-scale public facilities: Aluminum veneer prod - ucts have good processing performance, can produce various sizes, shapes and various surface treatments, giving people a very high and fashionable feeling. It will give the audience some very good visual effects. There - fore, it is widely used in large-scale public facilities, such as common airport decoration, museum decoration, station decoration and other fields. 3. Indoor ceiling and wall decoration: Aluminum veneer is a very creative product, which can produce various shapes and rich installation combination forms, so it is widely used in indoor ceiling and wall decoration fields, such as common hotel lobby, convention and exhibition center, bank, hospital and other places. 37 智造饰面·让城市更美丽 © ChenHang New Material