
铝板表面金刚砂喷砂处理 Emery sand blasting treatment on aluminum veneer surface 铝板 Aluminum veneer 陶瓷涂层 Ceramic coating 工艺制图 数控下料 数控折弯 焊接 Technology mapping CNC blanking CNC bending Welding 组装 打磨 检验 移交喷涂 Assembling Grinding Testing Transfer & spray ■ 生产工艺 > Production process ■ 产品用途 烤瓷板拥有优秀耐久性能、抗化学腐蚀性能和良好硬度 以及绝对优异的防火、绝缘性能。因为其出色性能,可以长 久地受日光暴晒、恶厉天气、酸雨、潮湿环境等。满足建筑 艺术对饰材空间的、功效的和价值的综合要求。适用于大堂 门面、柱饰、高架走廊、人行天桥、电梯包边、阳台包装装饰。 Porcelain board has excellent durability, chemical corrosion resistance and good hardness, as well as absolutely excellent fire prevention and insulation perfor - mance. Because of its excellent performance, it can be exposed to sunlight, severe weather, acid rain, humid environment for a long time. It meets the comprehen - sive requirements of architectural art for space, efficacy and value of decorative materials. It is suitable for lobby facade, column decoration, elevated corridor, pedestrian bridge, elevator hemming and balcony packaging deco - ration. > Specification of aluminum veneer 40 金属装饰材料专业制造商 www.ch-nmt.com 加工工艺: 将烤瓷涂料喷涂在铝或铝合金上,经烘干硬 化制备而成的复合装饰板材材料。 Processing technology: The composite decorative plate material is made by spraying porcelain coating on aluminum or aluminum alloy and drying and hardening. 烤瓷铝单板的构造 CONFIGURATION OF CERAMIC ALUMINUM VENEER