
石材蜂窝板是由天然石材薄板与蜂窝板经胶粘剂粘接复 合而成的高科技产品。其饰面石材薄板几乎可以是任何品种 的石材,如花岗岩、大理石、砂岩和石灰石等。蜂窝板主要 包括了采用铝蜂窝作为芯材的铝蜂窝板、钢蜂窝板、玻纤蜂 窝板等。目前,石材蜂窝板基本可分为石材铝蜂窝板、石材 钢蜂窝板、石材玻钎蜂窝板等。石材蜂窝板的饰面石材的厚 度,亚光面和镜面板一般为 3mm ~ 5mm,粗面板一般为 5mm ~ 8mm。蜂窝板的厚度可根据不同的用途和设计要 求确定。用作外墙板时,厚度通常在 15mm 以上。由于饰 面石材厚度的减薄,加上蜂窝板结构自身具有重量轻、强度 高、刚度好等优点,使得石材蜂窝板既具有石材的表面效果, 又具有一般石材不可能具有的性能。 ■ 石材蜂窝板概述 Stone honeycomb panel is a high-tech product made up of natural stone sheet and honeycomb panel bonded by adhesive. Its facing stone sheet can be almost any kind of stone, such as granite, marble, sand - stone and limestone, etc. Honeycomb panel mainly includes aluminum honeycomb panel, steel honeycomb panel, glass fiber honeycomb panel, etc. At present, stone honeycomb panel can basically be divided into stone aluminum honeycomb panel, stone steel honey - comb panel, stone glass brazing honeycomb panel, etc. The thickness of facing stone, matte surface and mirror panel is generally 3mm ~ 5mm, and coarse panel is generally 5mm ~ 8mm. The thickness of honeycomb panel can be determined according to different uses and design requirements. When used as exterior wall panel, the thickness is usually more than 15mm It has the advantages of light weight, high strength and good rigidity, which makes the stone honeycomb board not only have the surface effect of stone, but also have the performance that ordinary stone can't have. > Product Overview 63 智造饰面·让城市更美丽 © ChenHang New Material