
重量轻:石材蜂窝板的平均重量约为 16kg/m2,几乎比 同样厚度的实心石材轻 80%。此重量的减轻可以极大地减 少建筑物的重量荷载,降低劳动强度,节省建设成本。 强度高:平面抗拉、层间抗剪、弯曲刚度等力学性能指 标值高。抗变形、抗冲击方面,20mm 的石材蜂窝板的抗 冲击强度约为 30mm 厚石材的 10 倍以上。 安全性好:受强力冲击或超荷载的弯曲变形后,石材表 面只是局部破裂,不会产生辐射性裂纹,更不会整体破裂、 脱落。 加工简便:可使用普通加工工具在现场对需要修整的成 型产品进行切割、安装,能制成各种不同类型的造型,线条 流畅、美观大方。 经济美观:可以根据建筑需要,选择国内、外任意的石 材面料,特别是强度低、品种稀缺的石材进行复合,既能保 持天然石材的主要性能指标,提高耐用年限,又可大大提高 石材的利用率,节约天然资源。 节能环保:普通实心石材导热系数为 3.5W/(m·K)~ 1.3W/(m·K),而 石 材 铝 蜂 窝 板 导 热 系 数 为 0.104W/ (m·K)~ 0.130W/(m·K),其数值已在热绝缘材料的范围中。 由此可见,石材铝蜂窝板是一种隔热节能的材料,同时还具 有隔音降噪的功能。 石材蜂窝板由于其克服了传统石材重量重、强度低、脆 性大的缺点,经过多年的发展应用,已成为一种重要的绿色、 新型复合建筑装饰材料。目前石材蜂窝板除已用于内外建筑 装饰外,同时也应用到家具、电梯、车辆和轮船等领域。 ■ 石材蜂窝板产品优势 Stone honeycomb panel has become an important green and new composite building decoration material after years of development and application because it overcomes the shortcomings of traditional stone such as heavy weight, low strength and large brittleness. At present, stone honeycomb panel has been used not only in internal and external building decoration, but also in furniture, elevators, vehicles and ships. Light weight: The average weight of stone honey - comb panel is about 16kg/m2, which is almost 80% lighter than solid stone with the same thickness. This weight reduction can greatly reduce the weight load of buildings, reduce labor intensity and save construction cost. High strength: Plane tensile, interlaminar shear, bending stiffness and other mechanical performance index values are high. In terms of deformation resistance and impact resistance, the impact strength of 20mm stone honeycomb panel is about 10 times higher than that of 30mm thick stone. Good safety: After strong impact or over-load bend - ing deformation, the surface of stone is only partially cracked, which will not produce radiation cracks, and will not break and fall off as a whole. Simple processing: It can use common processing tools to cut and install the molded products that need to be trimmed on site, and can be made into various types of shapes with smooth lines and elegant appear - ance. Economical and beautiful: According to the building needs, we can choose any stone fabric at home and abroad, especially the stone with low strength and scarce varieties, which can not only keep the main per - formance index of natural stone, improve the durability, but also greatly improve the utilization rate of stone and save natural resources. Energy saving and environmental protection: The thermal conductivity of ordinary solid stone is 3.5 W/(m · K) ~ 1.3 W/(m · K), while that of stone aluminum hon - eycomb panel is 0.104 W/(m · K) ~ 0.130 W/(m · K), which is in the range of thermal insulation materials. Therefore, stone aluminum honeycomb panel is a kind of heat insulation and energy saving material, and also has the function of sound insulation and noise reduc - tion. > Product Overview 65 智造饰面·让城市更美丽 © ChenHang New Material