
产品参数:底宽为 20-400mm、高度 20-600mm,也 可个性化定制。 加工工艺:铝或铝合金表面经氟碳喷涂、热转印等工艺 制备仿木纹、仿竹纹、仿石纹、氟碳、纯色烤漆而制备的复 合装饰板材材料。 产品特性:防腐防火,防潮,防霉变,安装起来牢固, 十年不变色变形,且铝可随意安装和拆卸,维护和保养方便。 产品用途:铝方通是采用高强度的铝材通过模具挤压成 型,产品硬度,直线度远远超过其它产品。而且安装简单快捷, 维护同样也很方便,由于每条铝圆管是单独的,可随意安装 和拆卸,无需特别工具,方便维护和保养。适用于地铁、酒店、 商场、过道、度假村、写字楼等隔断、天花装饰。 P roduc t pa rame t e r s : The bo t t om w i d t h i s 20-400mm and the height is 20-600mm, which can also be customized. Processing technology: The surface of aluminum or aluminum alloy is prepared by fluorocarbon spraying, thermal transfer printing and other processes to imitate wood grain, bamboo grain, stone grain, fluorocarbon and solid color baking varnish. Product features: anticorrosion, fire-proof, mois - ture-proof, mildew-proof, firm installation, ten years without discoloration and deformation, and aluminum can be installed and disassembled at will, convenient maintenance and maintenance. Uses: Aluminum square through high-strength aluminum extrusion molding through the mold, product hardness, straightness far more than other products. And installation is simple and quick, maintenance is also very convenient, because each aluminum tube is sepa - rate, can be installed and disassembled at will, no spe - cial tools, convenient maintenance and maintenance. Suitable for subway, hotels, shopping malls, aisles, resorts, office buildings and other partitions, ceiling dec - oration. > Product Overview ■ 铝方通介绍 75 智造饰面·让城市更美丽 © ChenHang New Material